Spring Newsletter
- 26 May 2015
- Tags acupuncture, counselling, hydro-physiotherapy, swimming lessons, yoga classes

Tom Gray Physiotherapist
We are pleased to welcome back our land and hydro physiotherapist. Tom has been travelling for the last few months. Tom returned to us in February and is able to treat patients in our hydrotherapy pool and on land.
Tom has specialised in the use of aquatic therapy/hydrotherapy for the treatment of a wide range of conditions including sports injuries, orthopaedics, rheumatology, neurology and chronic pain. He can also use acupuncture as part of his treatment.
Jennifer Coombes Physiotherapy Blog on Acupuncture
Jennifer Coombes, one of LBhealthcare’s physiotherapists has an interesting report on the benefits of acupuncture. Firstly it encourages an increase in blood flow at the site of pain which in turn disperses chemical irritants. Secondly, it acts at the level of the spinal cord, stimulating the body’s natural pain relieving chemicals and lastly acupuncture influences parts of the brain such as the hypothalamus and the limbic system which modulate pain control.
Acupuncture involves the use of needles of varying lengths and thicknesses which will be chosen by your physiotherapist according to your condition and body size. Needles will be applied at specific points which would have been pre-determined by your therapist during the assessment process. It is common for a number of needles to be used during a single treatment session and a session typically can last between 20 and 30 minutes. Needles may be used at specific points within muscles to assist with relaxation. This is known as trigger point acupuncture and can be an effective method of improving muscle length or reducing muscle pain.
During the Easter Bank Holiday weekend we are closed on the following days
- Friday 3rd April – Good Friday
- Saturday 4th April
- Sunday 5th April – Easter Sunday
- Monday 6th April – Easter Monday
- Normal opening hours will resume on Tuesday 7th April.
We will however be taking telephone bookings on 01489 569888. LB Healthcare would like to wish all our customers a Happy Easter.
Swimming Lessons
A watery world of confidence, skill and fun! It’s safe to say you’ll burst with pride as you watch your baby journey from the early days of gentle floating, kicking and splashing to wriggling, giggling and jumping in!
You can trust us to take the very best care of you and your little one. Our world-class teachers could have trained as private pilots – five times over – in the time it takes to fully qualify with us. We won’t entrust your child (or our reputation) to anyone less than the best! www.waterbabies.co.uk
Yoga Class
Monday and Tuesday 6.30pm
LBhealthcare are now offering Yoga classes. If you are looking to relax and workout at the same time this is the exercise class for you.
- Improve strength, tone and flexibility
- Improve posture and balance
- Release tension, lower stress and anxiety
- Improve concentration, attention and memory
- Increase energy levels
Phone Kate on 07748 704237 to book a place.
Website: www.katecolvinyoga.co.uk Facebook: www.facebook.com/KateColvinYoga.
Brightside Core Stability Classes
Brightside PT will be delivering a 6 week core stability course at LBhealthcare. Contact us to book in now!
Tel: 07746201514
Email: brightsidept@gmail.com
At LBhealthcare, counselling is one of the many “Health Training” services that are provided. Many clients already benefit from the ‘physical’ health support services and are now afforded the opportunity to focus on their emotional health too. The Counselling service at LBhealthcare embraces many of the ‘usual suspects’ of emotional distress; depression, anxiety, stress, grief and loss – it also embraces perhaps less-observable conditions such as eating disorders, abuse, personality problems and addictions. Relationships, family crises, parenthood and employment issues are all valued additions to the increasing advisory portfolio and there are no topics that cannot be encompassed by the service. Appointments are invited and welcome on this number: 07543 383709 or email: builtcleversolutions@gmail.com
If you have neck or back pain that your GP feels needs Physiotherapy or Osteopathy then you can be treated free of charge on NHS at LBhealthcare. We will treat you within 5 days of receiving your referral from your GP.
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for top tips to relieve back pain and improve general well-being. Not to mention access to all our special offers and promotion codes.